Poems  Available Online

Sisters (New Yorker)

Are We Going to Leave the Reception or What

        (New Yorker)

Snapdragons at the Market (New Yorker)

An Offense (Southern Review)

Privacy (New Yorker)

Hysteria (POETRY)

The Persistence of Torture (Boston Review)

The Best Drink (Academy of American Poets)

And Though She Be But Little She is Fierce (PSA)

The Apology (The New Yorker)

Drunk at a Party (Agni)

The Major Holidays (Georgia Review)

Toasts (River Styx)

Dyserotica (American Poetry Review)

An Epic for Mother's Day (The Awl)

Thomas Hardy (Best American Poetry)

Excerpts from Bottle the Bottle the Bottles the Bottles 

Three Poems from Fairy Tale Review

The Bottled Minotaur (Valparaiso Poetry Review)

Sure (The Atlantic)

Shots of Vodka & Hog Roast

Ale & Cakes (Shenandoah)

The Coast of Apples (Boston Review)

Boring Dinners (Roanoke Review) 

It's Raining Inside James Schuyler (Court Green)

Censorship (Boston Review)

My Fjord (Plume)

We Can't Say Those Things Anymore (The New Republic)

The Doubter (American Journal of Poetry)

The Metaphor & the Simile, etc.  (Levure littéraire)

"And Maidens Call It Love-in-Idleness" (Poetry Magazine)

Undid in the Land of Undone (New England Review)

The Table (American Poetry Review)

Short Stories Available Online

Homeliness (Five Points) 

Midsummer Again (Boudin)

Felicia and the Curtains (STORY)

A Girl from Urbino (Ascent)

The Stone Wall  (World Literature Today)

The Story of Bigness (Quarterly West) 

After the Party (Superstition Review)

The Last Satyr (Idaho Review)

The Wrath of the Norsemen (Per Contra)

My Temple (Turning Page)

Dossier, Regurgitation, Acid, Columbia (The Forge)

The Ritual (Equinox)

Online conversations

Reading and Interview--